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Which is why decoration in the workplace is often underestimated

Weshalb Dekoration am Arbeitsplatz oft unterschätzt wird

We're all familiar with the image of a typical, boring office: gray carpeting, white desks and bright lights hanging from the ceiling. But this is not an atmosphere in which one can work well. Decoration in the workplace is an important factor that is often underestimated. In this article we will show you how you can upgrade your office and increase your productivity with little money.

This is how the right furnishing and decoration affects the workplace

For some years now, new concepts that are intended to beautify the office space have also been finding more and more approval in offices. The furnishing and architecture of a building have a major impact on our productivity, as many experts have found in independent studies. Almost 40 percent of office workers in Germany work in an open-plan office , so they only have a limited say in how it is set up - and small things can still be adjusted.

It's pretty clear that most people don't like standard office furniture. Almost 90 percent of all people who work in an office beautify their workplace with decorations or other small parts. Take a look around your work, you will notice countless of your own coffee cups, picture frames or even books that were used by your colleagues.

Personalizing your workspace with decorations will make you feel more comfortable and “at home”. Scientists have found that this makes people more productive and perform better in the long run.

Studies have shown that people who work in more personal workspaces are up to 30 percent more productive than those who only sit in uniform offices. According to another study, these employees also take on more responsibility.

But more general factors also have a huge impact on productivity, such as colors . They play an equally important role as the decoration in your workplace. Green and blue tones in a slightly darker color have a calming effect on people and thus ensure a focused working atmosphere . A light gray that is not too dark also looks very professional in a room and is therefore perfect for conference rooms or rooms where customers are often received.

You should be more careful with bright and bright colors, because they quickly bring unrest in a room. According to studies, they even promote stress and aggression and should therefore be used with caution - both in general furnishings and in decoration at the workplace.

Pro tip: In areas where a lot of creativity is required, red or yellow can also have a stimulating effect. Decoration at the team workplace in red or other eye-catching colors helps you work better in a team and maybe even has a brilliant idea.

Important basis: It should be this bright in your study

With your eyes you take in more than 80 percent of your sensory impressions every day - so the right lighting at the workplace is even more important than decoration and colors . The right, bright lighting supports your eyes and ensures that everyday tasks are easier for you.

In addition, bright daylight in the workplace has the following advantages:

  • Better concentration
  • No premature fatigue
  • No headaches from strained eyes
  • Dangers can be recognized earlier
  • you can read better

When it comes to light in the workplace, the so-called photometric quality features are particularly important. These should all be fulfilled, then your office is well lit and you can devote yourself to decorating your workplace. These are: A sufficient level of lighting, sufficient daylight, good light distribution in the room, avoidance of glare and reflections, coordinated light direction, pleasant color and brightness and freedom from flickering (e.g. often with old fluorescent tubes).

Tip: It is best to always set up your desk at a 90-degree angle to the window. This means that the light is undisturbed and cannot cause any reflections on the screen .

In our desqup blogs we deal with numerous topics related to office equipment and healthy working. Here you can read, for example, the advantages of the "green wall " trend in your office.

Decoration at the workplace: These tips are cheap and can be implemented quickly

Now we come to the most important part of this article, because here we look at how you can decorate your office in the best and most meaningful way. With various decorative items you are more motivated at work and can perform better , and you also give everyday life an even more personal character .

With motivating pictures or collages from your own photos, you can motivate yourself for the stressful everyday work. The purchase of suitable frames is very cheap and sayings or photos can also be found easily on social networks. A picture of your role model, such as a musician or an actor, can also help motivate you on long days.

The next decoration for your workplace also has a very practical use: visually appealing desk organizers. Clutter in the office is a real no-go and will very quickly upset you. A suitable desk organizer, which is not only boringly gray and has drawers, brings order to your desk and is also an inexpensive decoration for your workplace.

Another decorating tip for the workplace is to get some tall houseplants . They are not only available very cheaply - just used - but primarily improve the air quality in your office many times over. They also have a calming effect and breathe life into an otherwise rather plain office. Thanks to their green color, plants ensure that you stay calm even on longer and stressful days.

The scented candle is also one of the decorative items at your workplace, which is initially underestimated. But it is also very cheap and creates a lot of cosiness in your office. In addition, guests will always notice it immediately. Ideally, you should place the scented candle in the most central place possible in your office, because then the scent can be distributed well. However, it also gives a good picture on your desk and spreads its great smell.

You can also upgrade your office enormously with a height-adjustable desk like the desqup Pro . It allows you to stand up regularly if you want to and thus keep to the recommended breaks in movement. Your back and neck area is also relieved and tension is less frequent. In addition, your entire body is better supplied with blood and you are generally fitter and more powerful.

Complete your healthy & ergonomic workplace today and choose a product from desqup. On our homepage you will find a lot of detailed information about all our products.
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