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What to do with shoulder pain? - Tips & tricks from experts

Was tun bei Schulterschmerzen? - Tipps & Tricks von Experten

Many people struggle with pain of all kinds in everyday life - but often the actual cause is not sought, but only the symptoms are combated. Even small, daily incorrect movements or poor posture can lead to serious damage such as tension. In this article, we take a detailed look at shoulder pain and what you can actively do about it yourself!

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Shoulder pain: That's why you shouldn't underestimate it

Shoulder pain is a widespread health problem in Germany - many people struggle with problems in this joint. The shoulder is a particularly complex joint that allows for great mobility , but is also easily prone to injury and damage.

Shoulder pain can always have various causes - these include, for example, tension, sports injuries or poor posture. Shoulder pain can occur acutely and disappear again, but in the worst case it can also become chronic. Everyday things like lifting things or a healthy arm movement can become an instant challenge and impact your life immensely.

In addition to shoulder pain, these complaints are among the most common in Germany:

  • back pain
  • Headache
  • joint pain
  • Muscle aches
  • stomach pain

All these abnormalities can also come from a wrong working posture. Almost 60 percent of employees in Germany work sitting at a desk every day. Even small incorrect or relieving postures can lead to severe pain, which then becomes chronic. An ergonomic sit and stand stool like the desqup Motion can ensure that your back pain subsides and you can concentrate better. Have a look at our detailed product pages .

But now to what you can do yourself if you have acute shoulder pain !

Causes of shoulder pain

You can suffer from shoulder pain at any age, but after a certain age it becomes more likely and occurs more frequently without external influences. In most cases, shoulder pain restricts freedom of movement enormously and ensures that everyday life is almost permanently associated with problems .

Shoulder pain occurs either isolated in the joint or as pain radiating from the neck. Pain that starts in the wrist can also spread to the shoulder and cause problems. Overall, it can be said that shoulder pain has increased enormously in recent years. According to surveys, every tenth person complains about shoulder pain, typical symptoms are stiffness and pain in the joint. Night pain in particular is a big problem here, since the affected person can no longer lie on this side, which massively disrupts sleep.

Here is an overview of the most common causes of shoulder pain:

  • Changes in the bone, the joint capsule or the articular cartilage
  • Trauma or accident to the affected shoulder
  • postural weaknesses
  • Overexertion or muscle injury
  • metabolic problems or inflammation

Due to the complexity of the shoulder joint , the pain can have numerous causes. However, there are some countermeasures that you can try to get rid of the pain. So, in the next few paragraphs, we'll look at some tips you can use to relieve shoulder pain .

Shoulder pain - you can do that acutely!

In this paragraph we look at what you can do yourself if you have acute shoulder pain - even if you don't know the exact cause yet. First of all, you should stop all activities that cause pain. For example, if you have trouble holding things overhead, then you should probably stop doing that in the near future. This usually prevents the pain from getting worse.

Tip: It's best to write down when the pain started and where you think it came from. This way you can give your doctor important information later and don't forget any important details.

If you have pain in your shoulder, you should of course take care of it first and foremost - but that doesn't mean that you can't move it at all. Because if you don't move your shoulder for a long period of time, it can weaken the muscles and cause your shoulder to become stiff. So here are some shoulder mobilization exercises for you:

  • Circle arms forward and backward if not causing pain
  • Roll your shoulders back and forth, letting your arms hang
  • Bring your arms together while standing and open them again
  • Let your arms hang beside your body and then bring them together at the top with your palms facing outwards

Painkillers such as ibuprofen can relieve shoulder pain somewhat, but these should not be taken for more than two weeks at a time. Pain-relieving and warming creams can also help to treat the affected area. You should also find out which movements cause pain and avoid them. If the pain persists, we recommend that you see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • You should definitely consult a doctor in these cases:
  • The pain has an immediately recognizable cause, such as a fall
  • The shoulder is red or swollen
  • You feel numb or paralyzed
  • The arm is very weak or can hardly be moved

Preventing shoulder pain at work - how it works!

Shoulder pain often comes from an incorrect working posture or neglect of physical health in the workplace. In this paragraph we will therefore give you a few tips on how to prevent shoulder pain from arising in the first place.

Be sure to avoid hunching your shoulders forward. When you're sitting up straight, your shoulders should be relaxed and straight, and your elbows can be at a 90-degree angle on the table. An important basis for preventing shoulder pain is an ergonomic workplace. Your screen, your chair and your desk should be set at the ideal height. In addition, you should regularly switch between the working positions to keep your circulation and blood flow going.

Tip: With a height-adjustable desk from desqup, it's child's play to adjust the workstation to the right height. Thanks to the electric, stepless height adjustment, you can switch between a sitting and a standing working position in just a few seconds. In this way you promote blood circulation, also in your shoulder joints.

With a healthy lifestyle and the right working posture, it is not a problem to actively prevent shoulder pain. In addition, you can use many exercises, creams and measures such as physiotherapy to ensure that the pain disappears again soon. We hope we were able to help you with this blog article !
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