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Eco-friendly office: You have to pay attention to this

Umweltfreundliches Büro: Hierauf musst du achten

In the past, one thing was particularly important when furnishing the office: furniture that was as cheap and practical as possible. But as in all areas, the topic of environmental protection has become more and more relevant in the workplace - and you too can do your part. Today we will show you how you can create an environmentally friendly office with small tips & adjustments in everyday life - and mostly without additional costs!

These tips will help you to have an environmentally friendly office

An environmentally friendly office can be implemented with many small steps; no radical about-face is required to achieve visible success. With a few small habits , you can reduce your own carbon footprint significantly.

The following practices and habits in the office are particularly harmful to the environment:

  • High paper consumption
  • Permanently lit lamps
  • Too high temperature in the operating rooms
  • Many individual material orders
  • Poor waste separation
  • Lots of packaged/ordered food
  • Constant new hardware
  • Open doors/windows in winter

By stopping many of these things, you can greatly reduce the energy consumption in your workplace. With just a few, hardly noticeable changes, you protect the environment and your or your company's wallet. In the next few paragraphs , we'll look at the quickest and best way to do these things.

Tip: Would you like to read more articles about office & health? Then take a look at the desqup website under Blog , because here you will find many more exciting blogs from all areas!

Reuse of old materials

We'll start with one of the simplest steps, but one that leads in the right direction - recycling old materials . There are many ways to save money effectively and quickly. For internal printouts, which do not come into the hands of other companies, you can, for example, use paper that has already been printed on again. The same applies to scratch pads or other notes.

For example, you can simply staple together a stack of old paper and get a pad that you can use again. Alternatively, the print shop can also cut the paper and then staple it together, saving your company the money for new pads or note paper. A lot of paper waste is produced every day, especially in large companies, which saves on disposal and new acquisition costs. It is also an important step towards the environmentally friendly office.

But that's not the only aspect where recycled materials can be used. You can also get in the habit of putting new refills in ballpoint pens from now on instead of buying a new one or simply repairing other things like staple guns and the like. You can donate used hardware with the approval of your supervisor or sell it to other people, so nothing ends up in the trash and you have a good conscience for the environmentally friendly office.

Saving energy for environmental protection in the workplace

Within the last few years, energy costs have risen enormously, in many areas they have even more than doubled . This is also a problem for many small and medium-sized companies. For this reason , saving energy is becoming more and more important and not only easy on the wallet. If you use less energy, also at your workplace, you also relieve the burden on the environment . The best way to do this is with a few small tips that can be easily integrated into your everyday life.

Even a room temperature of two degrees less than usual ensures that you can save almost 20 percent on heating costs. So turn the thermostats down a bit and you already have a noticeable effect on the climate and the environment. A temperature of between 20-22 degrees Celsius is recommended in the office, but 8-19 degrees Celsius is also sufficient to protect the environment. If individual employees are very cold or have problems with the cold, heat gaps can be easily and inexpensively compensated for with a fan heater or infrared heating.

When it comes to ventilation, you should do without electric air conditioning if you want to achieve an environmentally friendly office. The systems need a lot of electricity and are therefore less useful when it comes to environmental protection. It is also difficult to achieve sufficient cooling capacity, especially in open-plan offices. In summer you can use a fan in an emergency, it consumes significantly less electricity and is also not stationary.

In addition, from now on you can be even more careful to switch off all devices when they are not needed. It's best to set your computer to automatically turn off after a few minutes of inactivity. From now on, you should also make sure that lights and other devices are deactivated again immediately. You can install motion detectors in rooms that are used particularly frequently but only for a short time so that the light switches on and off automatically.

reducing waste

An environmentally friendly office also includes producing as little waste as possible. Here, too, there are a few simple tips that can be quickly integrated into everyday life. For example, you can now use boxes or envelopes twice. Simply place a box next to the garbage, in which packaging that can still be used can be placed. So you not only protect the environment, but also your wallet .

So that less paper ends up in the trash, you can simply switch your printer to double-sided printing , then only half the raw materials are required. In all devices that require batteries, you can now use rechargeable batteries to avoid waste here as well.

Tip: It is best not to use window envelopes . These are much more difficult to recycle and thus pollute the environment. Plain envelopes made from recycled paper will do the trick here too!

With these simple tips, you can dramatically reduce the environmental impact of your office. It is best to try to convey this attitude to your colleagues as well, so that the entire company works in the same way and also protects the environment in the office.

An environmentally friendly office also includes the use of office equipment that is as durable as possible. With a height-adjustable desk from desqup, you are choosing a piece of furniture that you will enjoy for many years. The desqup Pro protects your health and ensures that you stay fit even on long days.

If you would like to find out more about our ergonomic office furniture , please visit our product page . Here you will find detailed product descriptions for all our items!
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