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Lower Back Pain - Here's How You Can Help!

Schmerzen im unteren Rücken - So kannst du dir helfen!

In Germany, back pain is one of the most common pain problems alongside headaches. Almost two thirds of all people are affected at least once within a year, and there is also a high rate of chronification. Lower back pain in particular often comes from a wrong & unhealthy posture at work - which is taken every day.

In this desqup blog article, we look at what you as an employee can do about lower back pain and what causes it.

Causes of lower back pain – you need to know that!

In very few cases does the pain in the lower back come from a specific accident or previous illness. Often these are caused by incorrect posture, wrong office furniture or bad habits. Before we look at what you can do specifically for this lower back pain, let's look at the most common causes. You can use this list to find out for yourself where your specific problems are coming from.

The most commonly cited causes of lower back pain at work are as follows:

  • Wrong posture – Whether you lean forward or lean too far back, the wrong posture will inevitably lead to pain or even chronic discomfort in the long run
  • Ergonomic Factors – An old, uncomfortable chair can put unnecessary strain on the body, which can trigger this pain
  • No movement - Little or no movement in everyday work life means that you will notice discomfort in the back and neck area more quickly
  • Stress & Overwork - Stress can cause your body to become tense, which can also contribute to lower back pain
  • Poor Sleep & Recovery - Not getting enough rest after a long day at work or making up for lack of exercise can also contribute to lower back pain

All these points must be considered as a cause when it comes to lower back pain. It's best to take a look at your everyday work, this way you can usually quickly find the reason for your complaints and counteract them. With the ergonomic office furniture from desqup you support a healthy posture and a sustainable working day - please visit our website for more information!

Lower Back Pain – These Tips & Tricks Will Help You!

If you're reading this article, you may already be experiencing lower back pain and want to do something about it. But even if you are currently reading this blog as a precautionary measure, you can save the following tips for the future.

Important: A healthy lifestyle is an important basis for not getting lower back pain at work. A balanced diet, sufficient exercise and strong muscles help to prevent these problems. You will also find many exciting articles here, just have a look at the desqup blogs !

The right posture - this is how you don't give lower back pain a chance

Proper posture is the most important foundation for not struggling with lower back pain. An upright posture ensures that your spine is not exposed to unnecessarily high loads and that you can work in a healthy position for longer.

You should pull your shoulders back if you work at a desk for a long time. In addition, the knee and elbow angle should be around 90 degrees, then the chair and table are correctly adjusted. The screen should end at about eye level so you don't have to strain your neck down. The weight should be evenly distributed between your two legs. The backrest should also be 90 degrees, do not work leaning back or forward.

The best choice for your workplace is an ergonomic sit and stand stool like the de squp Motion . It ensures that you keep your back straight and that your body constantly performs small micro-movements - so you never sit 100 percent still without realizing it. When standing, it combines the advantages of sitting & standing and is the ideal complement to a height-adjustable desk - this is how you effectively prevent pain in the lower back.

Pauses in movement – ​​an important factor in preventing lower back pain

Contrary to what experts recommend, employees in Germany are still sitting for far too long. Sitting for more than eight hours a day is very harmful to the body and can also contribute to lower back pain.

Already from 30 minutes of sitting at a stretch, the first physical impairments can occur, for example your concentration and work performance decrease. After this time, you should take a short break from movement, for example going to the copier or making a phone call while standing. From now on, you should do all activities that can be carried out standing up.

Here are a few more tips on how to easily incorporate exercise into your workday to prevent lower back pain:

  • Park a little further away from your workplace in the morning so you have two short walks
  • Do everything that is possible in person instead of writing an email or calling another department - this will also give you more frequent breaks
  • At a height-adjustable desk like the one from desqup, you automatically move more and protect your back – this is often even paid for by your employer

Inappropriate work equipment – ​​often the cause of lower back pain

Do you have an old, worn-out office chair at work that gives way with every movement and does not stabilize your back? You also don't get the opportunity to switch between a sitting and a standing working position? Then that too may be the cause of the lower back pain you are struggling with. Modern office furniture that takes ergonomics into account should therefore be an absolute standard.

Desqup offers you a selection of the most important ergonomic office furniture. With us you will find height-adjustable desks in various designs as well as ergonomic sitting and standing stools at a fair price. Thanks to these, you can switch between standing and sitting and thus protect your body.

Bottom Line: To prevent lower back pain, there are a few simple things you can do to incorporate into your workday. This includes the right posture, frequent breaks in movement and an adapted equipment of your workplace. In the case of the latter, you can also talk to your employer. This furniture is often paid for voluntarily upon presentation of the many advantages. We hope we were able to help you with this article!
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