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Creating order in the workplace - to keep a clear head

Ordnung schaffen am Arbeitsplatz - um einen klaren Kopf zu behalten

Stacks of paper to the ceiling, a messy desk or chaos in the drawer: searching for the right documents can waste valuable working time. This not only slows down your workflow, but can also quickly demotivate you.

It can be so easy to keep your workplace tidy: With labeled folders and boxes that you can arrange neatly on a shelf, you quickly create a sustainable system for your documents. That way, you'll never lose track of them again.


You can use a label maker to create your own self-adhesive labels. This makes it easy to find the right documents, and it's also nice to look at. If you want to save space, it is best to use narrow folders and sort your documents immediately before new piles accumulate.

The next steps to the optimal workplace:

1. The right light at the workplace - For optimal lighting against maturity 
2. Find the right wall color for your workplace - The psychological effect of colors 
3. An office garden for more productivity in the workplace 
4. Create order in the workplace - to keep a clear head (grades read)
5. Create the optimal temperature in the office – shivering and sweating are a thing of the past

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