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Order in the workplace - These tricks really help

Ordnung am Arbeitsplatz - Diese Tricks helfen wirklich

On a stressful day at work, you have many things to do, often at the same time. Colleagues call you, you have to answer your emails and maybe also take notes on the phone calls. If then the daily mail arrives on the desk, then the chaos is perfect. On these days it can quickly happen that you literally "get bogged down" - but you can do something about it. We'll show you how to keep your workplace tidy !

Why is order in the workplace important at all?

A certain structure is important in all areas of life, including in your office. Order and cleanliness in the workplace have many consequences that you may not expect at first, but which are quickly noticeable. With order in the workplace , you can get more done, work faster and are less stressed at the end of the day.

The following points in particular are advantages if you keep your workplace tidy:

  • More space - If you keep your work space tidy, you will sort out some things - this saves a lot of space. In addition, you don't take up as much space because your work items are sorted
  • Save money - Everything you buy at your workplace also costs money - either yourself or your company. Order and minimalism also save you money and your boss' discomfort
  • Better overview - Searching can become very annoying - especially when you don't have time anyway. Fixed locations for all of your items can help you cope better in a stressful situation
  • Relaxation - In a cluttered and dirty workplace, you feel overwhelmed at the start of the day. Now where was the form and where are my notes? If all of this is clearly arranged, you can start the day more relaxed
  • More free time - If you keep your workplace tidy, you save yourself double trips and long searches. This means that overtime may be partially or completely a thing of the past
  • Appreciation - You will appreciate the items and equipment more if you keep your workspace tidy. This is also a positive side effect

These are just some of the reasons why order in the workplace is so important. Now let's look at how you can best keep this order and what tips & tricks there are!

Also interesting: Are you interested in other topics related to a healthy workplace or home office? Then have a look at the desqup blogs , here you will find numerous articles on a wide variety of topics!

Tip No. 1: Sort out regularly for more order in the workplace

On a fixed day or at a fixed time, plan to take a closer look at your workplace. Because regular sorting out helps to prevent too much stuff from piling up at your workplace in the first place - so you avoid tidying up later in advance.

Throw unnecessary documents in the trash or file them in appropriate folders. You can also put small items in boxes or organizers so you can find them faster. Pens and small items such as pins and paperclips in particular are in much better hands and are not automatically distributed throughout the office.

Tip: We at desqup have specialized in height-adjustable desks, among other things. So we know that the best way to keep this order in the workplace is to make it a fixed ritual. For example, choose a day of the week when you clean your desk first thing in the morning. This is how it works with order! 

Tip No. 2: Labels help to keep the workplace tidy

You probably know it: You need a specific document but you just can't remember in which folder you filed the appropriate documents. So you now have to search through all the files, which of course costs you a lot of time and nerves. Labels on all important documents and folders can help to quickly find all the right documents.

Marked places in your cabinets for hole punches, staplers and the like make it easier to keep things tidy at work , even in stressful situations . You may come off as square at first, but it does the job. You can print out the small pieces of paper that you need for the labeling with a label printer or simply write them in a document in the appropriate font size and then attach them with Tesa.

Tip #3: No stacks, both digital and analog

It can quickly happen that mountains of paper accumulate on your desk. This makes it impossible to pay invoices on time within a few days or even to find the right document. Under certain circumstances, failure to do so can lead to legal consequences or reminder fees that burden your company. This is an absolute no-go for order in the workplace .

It is best to have a "stacking ban" on your desk from now on. Buy a practical shelf for documents, which you can also label. This means that documents no longer just lie around and you can pre-sort them.

Important: Nowadays, not only the analogue desk is the problem, your PC is also quickly prone to great chaos. So also regularly sort the scattered files on your desktop and consistently delete old documents. 

Tip No. 4: Enough storage space & space for order at your workplace

For this trick, you should take a look at the immediate vicinity of your desk. Do you have enough storage space, cupboards and shelves? Do all compartments and drawers have sensible divisions and linings? Can you also store pens and other small items in a fixed place. You should say yes to all of these points, because only then will you have a solid basis for order in the workplace .

Your desk itself is also important, because if it's too small, it's more difficult to keep it tidy. At least one tabletop measuring 140cm x 70cm is recommended, because here you have enough space for all devices and documents.

The desqup Pro is the best solution if you are looking for a new desk. It has a tabletop with the above size and optionally larger. In addition, it is a height-adjustable desk, on which experience has shown that it is much easier to keep things tidy. Because when standing, you have more freedom of movement and therefore more space to organize yourself and keep your workplace tidy. For more information just click here.

These were the most important tips & tricks for order in the workplace. Even with small changes you can optimize many areas of your everyday work, you just have to get used to a few small routines. The equipment in your workplace also plays a part, so make sure you have enough storage space and – possibly – a height-adjustable table from desqup :)

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