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Creating the optimal temperature in the office - shivering and sweating is a thing of the past

Optimale Temperatur im Büro schaffen - schlottern und schwitzen war gestern

It's no secret that the right office temperature is a hot topic. Outdated research, based primarily on an office full of male employees, suggests that the ideal temperature is between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius. Recent studies have shed more light on the ideal temperature in the workplace. Whether you work at home or in the office, this information can be very helpful when considering how to set your thermostat.


Recent studies have shown that slightly warmer temperatures are now considered ideal for productivity. A Cornell study found that up to 25 degrees Celsius is now considered optimal.

There are a number of factors you need to consider when deciding the right temperature in your office. The first is: Are there women in your office? Studies have shown that women are more productive in warmer office temperatures. You should also pay attention to how many windows there are in the office and how high the ceilings are. Large windows let in more sunlight and make the space warmer, while high ceilings can create drafts and make the space colder. In order to find the ideal temperature, it is important to know the building and the people inside well. Especially in summer the temperature should not exceed 26°C.

The next steps to the optimal workplace:

1. The right light at the workplace - For optimal lighting against maturity 
2. Find the right wall color for your workplace - The psychological effect of colors 
3. An office garden for more productivity in the workplace 
4. Create order in the workplace - to keep a clear head 
5. Create the optimal temperature in the office - shivering and sweating is a thing of the past (degrees read)

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