Drink enough in the office - with these tips & tricks

Even if you work continuously at your desk every day in summer, you lose up to 0.75 liters of sweat per day. If you then add physical exertion, it quickly becomes 1.5 liters. With sustained physical activity, such as jogging, you even lose up to two liters per hour. Drinking enough is therefore also an important issue in the office, also to make provisions for your later free time.
In this blog article, we look at the impact of neglecting to drink at the office . We also give you simple tips and tricks on how to drink enough liquid throughout the day.
the essentials in brief
- Water is essential to our bodies because it makes up 50 percent of our body. It is present in all body cells and organs and also regulates metabolic processes
- On hot summer days you sweat more and have to compensate for the loss of fluids in order not to feel any side effects
- You need to stay focused and productive at work, so make sure you stay hydrated quickly
- Tricks like eating right, having the right snacks, and reminders to drink water will help you stay hydrated
These are the consequences of not drinking enough in the office
Not drinking enough in the office has many effects - and not just on your actual work. Your personal life and general health will also suffer if you don't hydrate your body enough. Very few people follow expert advice on how to stay hydrated in the summer heat. These look like this:
- With little to no exercise - 1.5 liters per day
- With moderate exercise – 2.5 liters
- During physical activity - 3.5 liters
However, this information is only a guideline, you are welcome to drink more in the office, this has no negative effects. It is important that you do not include coffee and other drinks in addition to water, so these liter figures refer to pure water.
If you don't drink enough in the office, it will quickly affect your health. If your body is dehydrated, your metabolism suffers, for example, and nutrients can only be transported and processed poorly. From a water shortage of just one or two percent, you will also notice impairments in concentration and productivity. The next effects are headaches and possibly even the onset of tiredness and sluggishness.
Dry skin and irritated mucous membranes are then already worse effects of dehydration - so you must always drink enough in the office. We will look at exactly how this works in the next paragraphs. If you are also interested in a healthy furnishing of your office, take a look at the height-adjustable desks from desqup.
This is how you manage to drink enough in the office
Drinking enough in the office is not easy for many people. Especially with very concentrated work such as graphic design or programming, the focus is usually strong and you don't want to be distracted - eight hours quickly go by without you having a drink. However, due to the effects mentioned above, you should definitely not allow this to happen.
Specifically, today we are looking at these tips to ensure you drink enough in the office:
- morning routine
- bottle with "straw"
- Drink reminders on your smartphone
Get enough liquid through morning routines and the lunch break
In the morning, it is particularly important that you quickly refill your body with fluids - because you can also lose up to a liter of sweat at night in summer. In addition, your body also needs a while until it has processed the liquid and you feel the positive effects on the body. That's why you can already prepare for your working day by integrating water into your morning routine.
Experts advise starting the day with a liter of water in the morning - this will give you a solid foundation for the rest of your working day. However, do not drink this liter in one big gulp, but divide it into several glasses and take your time. So you are well hydrated before you even leave your house and can then drink enough in the office .
If you would like to learn more about exciting topics about your health, you are more than welcome to visit the desqup blogs on our website.
Bottle with a straw for relief
We all know it: if you drink a drink through a straw in the summer, it feels like it is empty again within minutes - especially if it was still ice cold. Drinking from a straw makes this chore a minor thing that doesn't distract you from work, it just happens on the side.
For many people, this makes it easier and less of a hassle to drink enough. It just happens on the side and you don't even realize how quickly the bottle is empty. If you then fill the bottle with some ice, it will be a breeze to drink enough in the office.
But: It is easier for the body to absorb lukewarm water because it no longer has to be heated to body temperature. With slightly warmer water you hydrate faster and can drink enough in the office .
Drink reminders on your smartphone
You actually want to drink enough, you also have a bottle with you, but you simply forget it? Then a drinking reminder on your mobile phone can be the right solution. You always have your smartphone with you and it can help you to drink enough in the office.
Just set drinking reminders at intervals that work best for you. For example, so that you really have time to take a short break. In each of these breaks you should then drink at least 250 milliliters of water, which is about a normal glass. Today there are also apps that you can use to record the number of glasses you have drunk so that you always have a good overview.
Do you want to achieve ideal back posture in addition to good hydration in the office? Then take a look at the ergonomic sitting and standing stools from desqup. They ensure better blood circulation, your circulation keeps going and your back is always in an ideal position. Our detailed product pages will definitely help you!
We hope we were able to help you with this blog article and that you manage to drink enough in the office and keep yourself fit!