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Nutrition: You should grab these snacks in the office

Ernährung: Zu diesen Snacks solltest du im Büro greifen

When people have a stressful job , nutrition is quickly neglected - which unfortunately also affects health . Not eating enough also causes you less energy and you get tired more easily, so what meals and snacks you eat in the office is important. We show you foods with which you are guaranteed not to go wrong!

This is what happens to your body when you eat too little

Eating good portions regularly is still difficult for many people. In Germany, despite good provision and a decent income, many employees find it difficult to eat enough throughout the day . It's often just a few snacks in the office that could make the difference .

If you eat too little, it will affect your body relatively quickly. At work, for example, you feel the following negative aspects:

  • Decline in Performance – Food gives your body energy. If you eat too little, your performance will suffer immediately. You feel significantly weaker both in everyday tasks and in sports
  • Blood sugar levels drop – Already a few hours after you have not eaten, you can feel your blood sugar levels dropping. This usually occurs in the form of tiredness, lack of concentration and dizziness. Even small snacks during office hours can help
  • Cravings – If you haven’t eaten anything or very little at work all day, your body wants to make up for it in the evening. The result is, among other things, ravenous hunger, which makes you quickly turn to unhealthy alternatives
  • Poor sleep – If you don't manage to eat enough in the evening, then your body puts the "hunger hormone" ghrelin on alert. The consequences are problems falling asleep or a very restless sleep without a real deep sleep phase
  • Bad Mood - Many people easily get in a bad mood and become grumpy when they don't have anything to eat - even five cups of coffee don't help anymore. You can prevent this with small snacks in everyday office life
  • Muscles in danger - Are you an athlete and want to build and strengthen muscles? Then it is all the more important that you pay attention to your diet. You can only perform well in sports if you consume enough calories and compensate for your performance expenditure

These are just a few of the things that get worse when you don't eat enough calories. In general, it is not healthy, especially in the long term, not to cover your calorie requirements or not completely - with healthy food. In the next few sections, we will therefore show you which dishes and snacks are best for you in the office !

Tip: Would you like to find out more about sport and health in everyday work? Then take a look at the desqup website, here you will find numerous blogs on this topic. But now back to the snacks in the office!

Healthy & effective: These snacks are recommended in the office

The same principles apply in the office as in your personal diet : as healthy and balanced as possible. Of course, sweet snacks are no problem from time to time, but they should remain the exception. But isn't "sugar doping" really effective in some cases? Here is a brief explanation.

If you grab a candy bar during your "midday slump," it'll boost your blood sugar for a brief moment and make you feel a little fitter - which is why many people think this snack is effective in the office. However, this blood sugar level then rushes back down just as quickly and you are even more exhausted and tired. So you won nothing!

In the office, other snacks should therefore be on the agenda, for which the following criteria apply, among others:

  • As little fat as possible, because this makes you tired quickly
  • Avoid sugary foods for the reason mentioned above
  • Avoid meals that are heavy on the stomach, such as a roast
  • Do not use large portions, otherwise your body will take a long time to digest and need a lot of energy
  • A lot of salt dries out your body, as does very spicy food - avoid it

These effects make your workday longer than it already is. Therefore, you should rather reach for other snacks in the office that also offer you real added value. In the following we show some alternatives that you can eat every day with a clear conscience.

Healthy & quick snacks for the office

Nuts are one of the best snacks you can ever reach for. They contain a lot of protein, unsaturated fatty acids and complex carbohydrates, which fill you up for a long time. Nuts are available in countless different variations, there is guaranteed to be something for every taste. A handful of nuts has around 200-250 calories (depending on how big your hand is :)) and can cover almost ten percent of the energy needs of a normal adult. Together with other small snacks in the office throughout the day, you can easily calculate your total calories !

Carrots are also very easy to care for, because you don't need any real preparation for them either. They contain a lot of antioxidants, so they detoxify your body or help with it. In addition, they are good for the metabolism and the eyes and are hardly in the stomach. Pair with a light yogurt-based dip for an easy, take-anywhere snack.

It is important that you still pay attention to your total calories, because this snack for the office is comparatively low in calories. 

Oatmeal is also a great choice for a quick snack at work. The food here requires some preparation, but that too can be done within a few minutes. They contain a lot of vitamin B1 and B6, which strengthens the nervous system and metabolism. Plus, important nutrients are locked into the small flakes, making them an even better office snack. If you combine them with natural yoghurt, you have also taken in important lactic acid bacteria - the perfect snack for in between!

Last but not least, a real classic: the hard-boiled egg. This is also perfect as a snack in the office, because it keeps you full for a long time and is rich in important protein. In addition, an egg contains important vitamins and high-quality fatty acids, especially for athletes it is often the number one choice. For example, you can put the egg on wholemeal bread, cut it into a salad or just eat it - an all-rounder!

Tip: When buying the eggs, be sure to pay attention to how they are kept. Well-kept chickens lay eggs with a higher value and it is also the better choice for your conscience! 

You can't go wrong with these snacks in everyday office life! They keep you full for a long time and are full of important vitamins and nutrients. Not only that is important for a healthy everyday office life, but also your movement and your workplace. Ergonomic office furniture from desqup is therefore something that you should definitely take a closer look at.

We at desqup offer you high-quality, inexpensive height-adjustable desks and healthy stools. Feel free to visit our website , the desqup customer service is also looking forward to answering your questions !
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