Finding the right wall color for your workplace - The psychological effects of colors

The psychological effect of colors also plays an important role in your workplace. Depending on the activity or the size of your workplace, it can help you to work in a relaxed and concentrated manner.
Warm colors like yellow, red, and orange radiate warmth. The more intense the colors you choose, the more subtle they should be on your workspace walls. Cool colors like blue, green and purple have a calm and serene effect and can be used more widely. You can find the main effects of colors in our overview:
- Red: Shades of red have a particularly stimulating effect. This color is suitable as a secondary color to set accents.
- Yellow and orange: We associate warm tones like yellow and orange with sunlight. They can convey a sense of contentment and warmth.
- Greens and blues: Green tones promote relaxation, while blue tones reduce stress. Both colors are particularly pleasing to the eye.
- White: White walls can be very reflective, which can be hard on the eyes. If you often sit in front of a screen, use this wall color subtly.
Cool colors like greens and blues, and especially olives, are best for the workplace as they allow you to focus better and therefore get better results.
The next steps to the optimal workplace:
1. The right light at the workplace - For optimal lighting against maturity
2. Finding the Right Wall Color for Your Workplace - The Psychological Effects of Color (Grade Read)
3. An office garden for more productivity in the workplace
4. Create order in the workplace - to keep a clear head
5. Create the optimal temperature in the office – shivering and sweating are a thing of the past