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Working with a Cloud - What you should know

Arbeiten mit einer Cloud - Was du wissen solltest

A lot has happened in Germany in terms of digitization, especially in recent years - most of the work has been digitized, many employees are now working completely from home. This trend has also made working with a cloud more popular in recent years, as this has numerous advantages such as flexibility, independence and high data security.

In this desqup blog article we look at how working with a cloud system works and how you can best expand your digital workplace. If you want to learn more about different topics in the field of health, then feel free to check out the blogs on the desqup website !

What is a cloud actually?

Before we look at the specific ways in which it is possible to work with a cloud , let's briefly explain what it actually is as a basis . We may have some readers who are not yet familiar with the subject and we would like to give them a good basis .

A cloud is a service that enables users to store data, applications and resources over the Internet and access them on different hardware. The data is therefore not stored on a specific device, but on remote servers, i.e. a number of computers. As a result, they are always accessible and can be called up whenever there is an Internet connection.

There are various cloud systems, the most common being the so-called public cloud. It is hosted by a private company and can be used by users around the world. These cloud systems are often free of charge up to a certain storage space and can then be expanded via a subscription system. Public clouds are probably the best solution for cloud-based working, since the infrastructure is already in place and is maintained by large software companies.

Clouds are safer today than ever before. Some cloud systems even meet the requirements that are needed, for example, for storing sensitive customer data in companies - so your data is safe in most cases, the large companies have the best security systems. A functioning cloud is part of every modern workplace - just like ergonomic office furniture, such as the desqup Pro . A height-adjustable desk with all the important functions - please visit our website!

Advantages of cloud-based working

The advantages of cloud-based work are on the part of both the employer and the employee. The simple storage and management of data benefits both sides and makes digital work possible in the first place. Just imagine how annoying it would be to always send the required papers and data by post to all employees in the home office. Since mail providers are usually not 100 percent secure either, clouds are used as a solution.

Modern working with a cloud has the following advantages, among others:

  • Flexibility: The data can be viewed anywhere there is internet. Also from mobile devices or on a computer abroad. This means that the work is location-independent and the company has the opportunity to largely do without its own office space or company building. This way of working is also referred to as "full remote".
  • Collaboration: In a cloud, anyone who has permission to access the data can quickly access it. This makes it possible to quickly exchange data or work together on a project. In contrast to classic collaboration, it doesn't matter where the various participants in the project are located, since the cloud is accessible worldwide
  • Cost savings: For the company, using a cloud provider also means saving high costs. Fewer physical data carriers such as hard drives, devices or memory cards have to be purchased, and the classic paper archive is also largely eliminated. Although a large & secure cloud costs a certain monthly amount, this is very low compared to the costs for hardware - there is also no wear and tear with the cloud
  • Scaling: A company is constantly expanding - and therefore more devices or storage media are usually required. Scaling is easier with a cloud system, because no new devices have to be purchased, it just needs more storage space. This allows your company to grow faster & focus on your core business

A modern company needs a cloud system to enable employees to work freely. In addition to progressive digitization, however, care must also be taken to ensure that health is not endangered by unhealthy desk work. A height-adjustable desk can be useful for this – like the one from desqup. Take a look at our product page !

Working with the cloud: How to get started!

You may not yet be working with a cloud system in your company , but still send documents and data by e-mail or, in the old-fashioned way, by post. The important thing to know then is that you can't work alone with a cloud - you have to rely on your employer to go along with you, otherwise things will become even more complicated than before. In the private area you can of course always use a cloud to organize your documents and papers .

If your company switches to cloud-based work, then all important data must be well sorted and findable. It is also important that everything is stored in the digital database, both incoming and outgoing documents. If something is missing or cannot be found, old ways have to be followed again to find the corresponding document - this should not happen. Before working with a cloud, it is therefore recommended that a team meeting be convened to clarify all important issues.

In addition, all security regulations must be observed - here your company must inquire which cloud solution can be used for sensitive data such as customer addresses. It should also be precisely regulated who has access to the cloud and how it is secured - this way nobody has the opportunity to access important data.

However, once these questions have been clarified and your colleagues have familiarized themselves with the cloud system, then things usually go very well - the uploading and saving of all documents in the digital database will eventually run automatically and you can ban paper and thick folders from your office . Purchasing a cloud for your work is an important step in digitization that you should also convince your employer of.

Would you like to learn more about ergonomic & healthy office furniture ? Then don't hesitate and take a look at the desqup website , here you will find all the information about our products.

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