Work back-friendly: tips & tricks for your health

More and more people in Germany suffer from back problems - which often also stem from the workplace. More than 60 percent of adults in Germany state that they have had back pain at least once in the last twelve months - the situation is similar with neck problems. Back-friendly work is therefore becoming increasingly important, especially for young people - in this blog article we will show you how to do it correctly.
Would you like to read more about ergonomics and health at work? Then take a look at the desqup website under the Blog menu item , here you will find many other exciting short blogs.
Causes and occurrence of back pain at work
Back pain is one of the most common complaints in the office workplace . Poor posture or old chairs and the lack of exercise in everyday work life quickly affect health, which is most noticeable in the back and in cognitive performance . It is therefore important to try to find the right posture in the workplace early on in order to prevent these consequences - but what is actually to be prevented ?
In the first place, back pain comes from a posture that is too bent or too bent - for example, if your table is too low or the chair is too high. If you have to constantly bend down to see your screen or paper work, then you should think about arranging your work station differently, because this is not back-friendly work. Even if you have to look down slightly to see the screen, your neck is already strained.
An uncomfortable or worn-out chair can also cause you to develop health problems. For example, if it springs too much or allows too much inclination, then you quickly assume a comfortable but unhealthy position for your back. Here, too, you have to make sure that you have the right equipment to be able to work in a way that is easy on your back.
Also interesting: We at desqup have made it our goal to make ergonomic office furniture possible for everyone who sits at a desk every day . With us you will find height-adjustable desks such as the desqup Pro or ergonomic sitting and standing stools at a fair price. Have a look at our website if we have aroused your interest !
Tips for back-friendly work: Regular breaks
Our first big tip for a healthier, back-friendly work is to take regular breaks from work , during which you can move. Even if you have a lot to do and the days are getting longer again, you should not neglect this. In this paragraph we give you small exercise tips that will help you to work in a way that is easy on your back - don't worry, it's not a one-hour, daily walk.
According to experts, you should never just sit for more than 45 minutes at a time - because even then your cognitive and thus your work performance will decrease and you will be less able to focus on your task. Then at the latest it is time for you to move slightly for at least five minutes, it doesn't have to be a sports unit.
Examples of how you can integrate this back-friendly way of working into your everyday life:
- From now on, make it a point to take phone calls or short conference calls while you're out for a walk
- If a colleague comes by to discuss something with you, from now on always talk standing up - the coffee tastes better that way
- Do things that you have to pass on in the house personally from now on. So don't send any more emails to the third floor, just walk over there
- Find longer distances - for example, go to a copier that is a little further away or do not use the nearest coffee machine
- Make it a point to do something active during each of your breaks from now on. Eat your meal while walking or just go for a jog
These breaks are one of the most important things for back-friendly work and can be easily integrated into everyday work. You can also read about how you can bring more movement into your everyday life in the desqup blogs .
Simple exercises for back-friendly work
In addition to the movement breaks , you should also integrate some of the following small exercises into your everyday life . We will now show you a few movement sequences that you can quickly do in a quiet minute to keep your back fit .
First, here are some effective exercises for your back that you should incorporate into your training outside of the workplace: rows, pull-ups, back extensions. A strong back musculature is also an advantage at work, as it can withstand even greater stress.
Here's another exercise that you can also do at work: The so-called shoulder blade roll is an easy exercise that keeps your back fit on long days. Sit up straight and pull your shoulders back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for a few seconds and then release. You can repeat this a few times to take some tension off your back.
Other exercises that you can do in the office without equipment also help against back pain at work. Training the abdominal muscles helps to take some of the tension out of your back because the stomach then absorbs some of it. So feel free to do a few sit-ups, a 30-second plank, or crunches during your workday. Despite all the exercises, it is important that you have primarily assumed a healthy sitting position.
A height-adjustable desk like the one from desqup can help to ensure that standing breaks take care of themselves. At the push of a button, the table moves up and you can simply continue your work while standing - so it's really child's play to keep moving. In addition, with desqup products you benefit from a water-repellent surface and many smart features such as a memory function. Take a look at our detailed product pages!
As you can see, it's actually not a big deal to get into the habit of doing back-friendly work . A lot can already be achieved with small changes in one's own everyday life and a change of the deadlocked habits. With this guide you have an important basis on which you can build your sustainable & healthy workplace .
If you have any questions or suggestions about our ergonomic office furniture, desqup customer service is always at your disposal.