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Health insurance subsidy for height-adjustable desks. It's that easy in Germany.

Krankenkassenzuschuss für höhenverstellbare Schreibtische. So einfach ist es in Deutschland möglich.

It is now well known that long periods of sitting and an unergonomic posture impair our health in the long term. Do you spend most of your working hours sitting in the same position? Then you know the feeling of exhaustion and constant back pain all too well...

Anyone who buys a standing desk is making an investment in their own well-being and health. The advantage of a standing desk is that it is easy on the joints and especially on the back. Whether symptoms already exist or should not appear in the first place is secondary. This alternative is particularly recommended for those who often sit in front of their desk. Incidentally, this also includes students and pupils. Many people now work in their own home office and need a height-adjustable and adjustable standing desk. This makes administrative tasks and creative work easier to complete. You can read more about the benefits of height-adjustable desks here .

The grant

First and foremost, your employer is obliged by the Workplace Ordinance and the Occupational Health and Safety Act to design your workplace in such a way that there are no mental or physical hazards. There is no specific rule that a height-adjustable desk is required for this.

However, under certain conditions, your health insurance company may cover the costs for the height-adjustable desk. After all, the health insurers often cover some of the costs for health aids in the workplace, which also include a height-adjustable desk.

Just like the other rehabilitation providers, the health insurance company also needs a meaningful medical certificate as to why the height-adjustable desk is really needed. Depending on the health insurance company, certain forms must then also be filled out and submitted. Your health insurance company will then check whether it will subsidize the height-adjustable desk - these are always individual decisions.

Why are there subsidies for height-adjustable desks?

If such technical office furniture is used, the state of health of the person concerned improves significantly and noticeably. Studies have since proven that. This in turn improves and extends the average working time. Sickness costs, days lost and medication are automatically reduced.

Does my health insurance company have to approve the subsidy?

If your health insurance company approves the application, the subsidy is either 800 or a maximum of 1,200 euros. If your table costs more, you have to pay the difference yourself. If the costs are below this price limit, there are no problems and the table is then paid for in full.

Practical: The DESQUP Pro with all the important functions and high-quality workmanship is well below the price limit - so it would be worth considering if it is approved.

Nevertheless, you should keep in mind that your health insurance company does not have to approve the application, and the health insurance company does not have to provide a reason for this. Your employer is primarily responsible for a healthy and gentle workplace, and they are not forced to purchase a height-adjustable desk either.

What is the maximum grant?

Depending on the degree of disability, the employer can receive up to 1200 euros in subsidies for a height-adjustable desk. Although a little money has to be invested in such furniture, the employee's performance is all the more positive. There is less absenteeism and far fewer substitutes have to fill in.

Anyone who can do their work standing up is automatically more concentrated. There are fewer mistakes than with sedentary work. This saves a lot of costs for the company and the employees are fit. This in turn improves the overall working atmosphere.

So if you invest in such a height-adjustable table, you will enjoy several advantages at the same time. Not only the employee and the employer themselves enjoy this, but indirectly also the pension insurance institution and the health insurance company itself.

How do you get a health insurance subsidy for the standing desk?

First, visit your health insurance company's website or Google the name of the company and "health insurance subsidy for standing desks". You can then download the corresponding PDF file from the relevant portal. All you have to do is print out the file at home and send it back to your health insurance company. If you don't have a printer, you can also write a short e-mail or call your health insurance company, which will then send you the application by post.

At most, a medical certificate is required that certifies how good a height-adjustable desk is especially for your back. In addition, the doctor should argue in as much detail and convincingly as possible why a height-adjustable desk will be the best solution for you. With just a few clicks and steps, you can get a lot of money out of the health insurance subsidy, so that buying a standing desk doesn't really cost a lot of money in the end, but you also benefit in the long term from the quality that the special desk offers.

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