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Ergonomic workplace - plus points for employers and employees

Ergonomischer Arbeitsplatz - Pluspunkte für Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer

Due to demographic change, employees will have to spend longer and longer at work - this inevitably means that more and more people are also dealing with the health aspect at work. A sustainable & healthy workplace not only has advantages for employees, but also many for the company. We show why an ergonomic workplace is always a win-win situation!

Health: This is where the risks in the workplace lie

Before we look at the benefits of an ergonomic workplace, let's briefly address the risks. Because regardless of whether it is a desk job or physically demanding work, there are risks to physical integrity in every field. A distinction must be made between:

  • Physical Risks and
  • psychological risks,

because an incorrectly equipped workplace can leave its mark both physically and mentally. We've looked at the most common symptoms in both categories.

psychological consequences

An unhealthy workplace usually leaves its psychological consequences. The most common appearances include:

  • Higher stress level
  • Bad mood and lack of motivation
  • Lower productivity
  • Higher stress, depression
  • helplessness

physical consequences

Outdated offices and unsuitable equipment can put a lot of strain on the body in the long run. The physical consequences of an unhealthy workplace include:

  • Back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Aching, strained eyes (e.g. due to bad monitors)
  • Pain in hands and forearms from outdated keyboard and mouse
  • Tensions because of an inferior office chair
  • Higher risk of diabetes and obesity from sitting for too long

These are just some of the damages that can result from an unhealthy and less ergonomic workplace. All of these aspects have an impact on the company as well as on the person concerned. Regardless of whether you are an employee or an employer, it is important to avoid these consequences with an ergonomic workplace.

If you would like to learn more about the health consequences of ergonomic office furniture, please have a look at our desqup blogs !

But now to the advantages for companies and employees that result from an ergonomic workplace.

Healthy office: These are the advantages for employees

The days of the classic office are numbered - carpets, gray tables and worn-out office chairs are now finally a thing of the past. They are replaced by modern, bright rooms with a living room feeling and lots of plants. Gen Z cares about health and work-life balance like no other, and that includes workplace amenities.

A healthy workplace should include the following items: A height-adjustable desk, ergonomic office stools, ergonomic mice and keyboards, and up-to-date monitors and audio equipment. Aspects such as fresh air, water and food are now taken for granted.

This has various advantages for you as an employee. A height-adjustable desk, for example, ensures that your back no longer assumes an incorrect or protective posture. In addition, the joints of your legs are in a natural position and are therefore less strained. When standing, your blood circulation is better, which increases your performance and concentration. Freedom and the urge to move also improve once you have decided on a standing desk.

The problems with mice and keyboards are often underestimated. Your wrist and the tendons in your hand are constantly under tension when you need to type or click. This leads to pain after long days and can also develop into cartilage damage. In addition, your hand is permanently bent, which puts a strain on your wrist.

Switching to an ergonomic mouse and keyboard is therefore essential if you work at a desk. With a rest for the forearm, the keyboard ensures that you no longer bend your wrist and your fingers are not permanently under tension. You can get cheap models for just under 50 euros. With the mouse, your hand is in a position similar to a fist. Your wrist is no longer bent and your fingers no longer have to bend to click. Here, too, you can get a sufficient model for around 50 euros.

An ergonomic and healthy workplace is important for you if you want to stay fit outside of your job. Because your health is protected as much as possible for a large part of the day, you also have more energy for your hobbies in the afternoon and evening.

A height-adjustable table is a fundamental part of your healthy workplace. By working while standing, the desqup Pro can ensure that your everyday work becomes significantly healthier. A higher basic consumption of calories makes it easier for you to lose weight, and your back relaxes in a straight posture. For more information, feel free to visit our product page !

That's why you as an employer should use ergonomic office equipment

Even if you are an employer yourself, there are advantages that should not make you think twice about ergonomic office equipment. In addition to the bond with your company, there are many other advantages that you might not expect at first. Among other things, the purchase brings the following advantages:

  • Employee retention: Your employees will appreciate that you take care of their health. They'd rather stay with your company than switch to a competitor with poor facilities. The pay is usually not enough as a counter-argument, as studies show
  • Representative: With a modern, healthy office with “living room flair”, your company also has a good public image. At an open house, potential business partners or new employees will notice how the offices are set up
  • Argument for new employees: Nowadays it is more and more important that your company stands out from the rest. Future employees or trainees are usually very choosy when choosing a company and pay attention to small details. With modern, healthy equipment you stand out and maybe bring the resounding argument
  • Lower sickness rate: Many cases of sickness also come indirectly from an unhealthy workplace. With height-adjustable tables, healthy chairs and modern offices, you prevent many “occupational illnesses” and thus ensure a lower sickness rate in your company – this is also real added value for both sides

Regardless of whether you are an employee or an employer, a healthy workplace has only positive effects for both sides. We at desqup have made it our mission to make every office in Germany a little bit healthier. With ergonomic furniture such as height-adjustable tables and sitting and standing stools, we want to help ensure that your work does not endanger your health - because it is the most important thing we have!

Also interesting: With us you get attractive discounts if you are a corporate customer. Simply visit our website under the menu item For companies .
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