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You create these differences with plants in the office

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The way we work has changed a lot in recent years – while an office used to simply serve its purpose and be as robust as possible, employees today also want to feel a little bit at home there. Plants can be a part of that, because not only do they look good, they also have a positive impact on your work – in this desqup blog post we take a look at why!

Tip: It's worth reading to the end, because here we'll show you which plants are particularly suitable for your office and may even need little care!

Why plants in the office? - An overview

In the first section we would like to show you the advantages of having plants in the office . In the further course we will take a closer look at some subcategories . Plants in the office have enormous added value for you and your fellow human beings/guests in the following areas, among others:

  • Health Benefits
  • Optical advantages
  • Optical effect on the brain
  • Air quality benefits

We will now take a closer look at some of these points so that you too can be convinced that you should soon buy some plants for your office. Would you also like to learn more tips and tricks about furnishing your office ? Then take a look at the desqup blogs , here you will find numerous articles on the subject of furnishing and health !

Health benefits of plants in the office

Plants have played an important role for humans for hundreds of years. Whether as medicine, for food or to cover certain nutrients , we have trusted in the effects of plants for many generations. In the late 1980s, space explorers were looking for a way to purify the air in enclosed spaces (like a space station). Here, too, there is a quick choice of different plants .

Due to their air-purifying effect, plants in the office are a real must-have for your health today, but there are also many other advantages for your body and mind:

  • Better ability to concentrate: Researchers have found out in several experiments that the better air quality thanks to the plants in your office also improves your concentration
  • Lower stress level: The green color of plants and the better air ensure that you stay fit and motivated even on longer days
  • Fewer pollutants: Through various processes, plants filter many pollutants from the room air, which can otherwise damage you in the long term. The air quality improves enormously
  • Higher humidity: Dry indoor air quickly leads to eye irritation or dry skin/lips for many people. The plants increase the humidity and thus create a pleasant indoor climate even in winter
  • Fewer headaches: Plants also clean the air when it is dammed up in the room. This helps to stay fit even when you can't ventilate

Optical & psychological effects of plants in the office

In addition to the direct and demonstrable health benefits, having plants in the office has many other benefits. They beautify a room , making for a better overall picture and calming environment. Plants have a particularly quick effect on the psyche , in this paragraph we look at the specific advantages they benefit from.

  • Liveliness: An office quickly runs the risk of appearing dull and boring. Large closets and boring carpeting can quickly make a room look dreary and depressing, plants upgrade the room for little money and make it look lively
  • Hide ugly spots: With a plant, you can hide ugly corners or pieces of furniture in your office and make the whole room look a little more elegant
  • More joy: The green color is associated by people with nature and liveliness and makes you stay more motivated
  • It has been proven that plants ensure more relaxation and calm in the office, and they also convey a sense of responsibility
  • In a modern office with a wooden floor or with an industrial look, plants round off the look and create a living room flair

These are just a few of the many benefits you will reap by choosing some plants for your office. The purchase of green plants only involves a small financial investment and creates enormous added value for you and everyone else who works in the offices .

Tip: Also look around for used plants on classified ad portals. Often they are sold cheap used and you get a well cared for plant for little money.

In addition to plants, ergonomic office furniture is also essential in every office today. At desqup you get a high-quality, height-adjustable desk, the desqup Pro , at a very fair price. Feel free to take a look at our detailed product pages , here we clearly show all the important information!

Inspiration – These plants are particularly suitable for your office

When choosing the plants for your office, all doors are actually open to you. However, depending on whether you have little or a lot of light available or only want to spend little time on the plants, we have a few recommendations for you. Here are the top plants for your office:

  • Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) - This plant requires little maintenance and thrives in low light
  • Bow Hemp (Sansevieria trifasciata) - This plant is very hardy and can survive a wide range of light conditions. It also requires very little water
  • Plain Leaf (Heliconia chinensis) – This plant flowers all year round and is very effective at removing pollutants from the air
  • Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) - This plant is very easy to care for, requiring very little light and water
  • Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica) – This plant is very hardy and thrives in a wide range of light conditions. It is also very effective in removing pollutants from the air
  • Chlorophytum comosum - This plant is very easy to care for and will survive a wide range of light conditions. It is also very effective in removing pollutants from the air

These are just a few of the plants that are suitable for your office. Of course, there are many other plants for people who cannot invest so much time in caring for them. That is why the yucca palm or various cacti are popular in offices today. With this article you now have a rough idea of ​​the difference plants can really make in your office.

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