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The right light at the workplace - for optimal lighting against maturity

Das richtige Licht am Arbeitsplatz - Für eine optimale Beleuchtung gegen Mündigkeit

Light plays an important and significant role in the design of your workplace. Poor visual conditions often lead to headaches, lack of concentration or have a negative effect on your well-being. The lighting conditions in your workplace have a significant impact on your mood and productivity. Good light is also motivating.

In the table you can see how bright the light should be in which part of your workspace. You can measure the illuminance (lux) with a lux meter*.

Illuminance (lux ) Area
500 in the study and at the computer workstation
750 Work surface on the desk of at least 60 x 60 centimeters for reading, for filigree handicrafts
750-1000 for older people

But which lighting concept is the right one today? In general, you should make sure that the light in your workplace is a mixture of direct and indirect lighting. This means that you need both a working light and sufficient daylight. When it comes to the light color, you should opt for neutral white (3,500 to 5,500 Kelvin) or daylight white (from 5,300 Kelvin).

OUR TIP TO YOU Sometimes it helps to move the desk a few inches or rotate the screen slightly to create better lighting conditions.

The next steps to the optimal workplace:
1. The right light at the workplace - For optimal lighting against maturity (grades read)
2. Find the right wall color for your workplace - The psychological effect of colors
3. An office garden for more productivity in the workplace
4. Create order in the workplace - to keep a clear head
5. Create the optimal temperature in the office – shivering and sweating are a thing of the past

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